About me

Welcome! I'm Antti Martikainen an independent composer, producer and entrepreneur from Finland. I also run Omniscore, a music label that features other talented composers and producers. I compose and produce mostly epic soundtrack music mixed with ethnic, folk, medieval, electronic and metal elements in my home studio. My songs are usually very melodic, strongly harmonic, rhythmic and simple yet very diverse. I aim to compose strong motifs, memorable melodies, epic structures and to offer my listeners and clients unique experiences. My music is a perfect match with various types of video games, trailers, performances, commercials and movies...and just for casual listening.


  • New remake singles
    I just released two new remake singles on Spotify: ‘Legendary’ from 2017’s album ‘The Sound of Courage’ and ‘One Against the World’ from 2016’s album .. [Read more]
  • Omniscore project revealed and new album released!
    New album ‘Crimson Saga’ is out now! This album is the first of release by Omniscore, a collaborative project of mine. The album has Ian Fontova as the featured collaborator and it .. [Read more]
  • ‘Wanderlust’ out now!
    A new album ‘Wanderlust’ was released today! The album includes 12 exciting and uplifting fantasy adventure tracks. Buy and stream here! https://youtu.be/TaKtlANDPlM.. [Read more]


Enjoy some of my songs for a minute...or for days. I've composed and published over 36 hours of music since I composed my first album in 2013. You can find me and listen to my music on Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify, iTunes, Facebook ...and every other place in the internet.



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Music usage

For YOUTUBE users: You can use my music without asking for permission, however a ContentID system will claim and monetize your video. This is not a copyright strike or warning, it's a claim that uses advertisements in your video to get ad revenue for me. If you want to declaim your video and control the monetization yourself, you'll need to pay a license fee which depends on your channel size. If you're an US citizen you can also use Creator Music to purchase a license for a song directly.

For TWITCH users: You can use my music without permission but I can't control copyright issues on the platform.

NON-COMMERCIAL and NON-PROFIT usage: You can use my music freely for non-commercial and non-profit personal projects, such as school projects and video game mods without asking for permission. If you get funding from any organization or government, the project is not regarded as non-profit and you'll need to buy a license.

For commercial projects you can buy a license from me directly. The license price depends very much on the size of your project. The more expensive licenses also include a possibility to edit or even remake the licensed songs to fit into your project better. For example, I can cut, remix and loop the licensed song to fit in your video game. I will only provide non-exclusive licenses for existing songs.

To purchase a license from the 'Land of the Brave' album, please contact Colossal Trailer Music.

You can get more details by contacting me. Remember to provide the following information:
-Title(s) of the song(s) you want to get a license for
-Production or project name
-Production type (video game, film, TV, trailer, performance etc.)
-Production budget and/or music budget
-Do you need the song remixed for your project?


Need a customized soundtrack to make your project even more unique? For music composing and production, I'm charging per minute basis and the price depends on the project budget, the amount of music needed and complexity of the required compositions.
The minimum starting fee per project is 2000 euros. The composition and production quote includes only virtual instruments and real instrumental recordings are provided with additional cost. You can get more details by contacting me. The following info is required for me to calculate the time and cost for your project:

-Amount of music: Number of songs and approximation in minutes
-Usage: Video game, TV, film, trailer, performance, online, corporate etc.
-Musical complexity (from less expensive to more expensive): 1) Simple orchestra (not more than ten instruments), 2) folk instrumentation, 3) full orchestra, choir and percussion, 4) symphonic, synth or folk metal, 5) full orchestra with complex hybrid and synth layers and effects
-Rights: Do you need an exclusive or non-exclusive license? Do you need selling rights for the music?
-Production budget and/or music budget
-Project name



Here's a list of some of my most used software.


If you have a question, please read through this section and save yourself and me some trouble before sending me a message.


Q: My Youtube video was claimed by "Audiam" or "Interstreet Recordings". Help!

A: Your videos will get claimed if you use my music. If you have a license or a permission to use my music on a monetized or commercial video, send me a message with the link to the video and I'll remove the claim. You can also purchase a license or just keep the claim. The claim doesn't affect your Youtube channel in any way, it's just for monetization purposes.

Q: Can you make me a song for free?

A: No.

Q: Can I use your music for free?

A: See the licensing section

Q: Is there a possibility to buy your music on CD or DVD or vinyl?

A: There are limited edition CD campaigns available for selected albums on Bandcamp.

Q: Je voudrais me permettre d'utiliser la musique...

A: I don't speak foreign. Please don't send me messages in French or Spanish or Swedish. Only in English or Finnish.

Q: Can you make a tutorial about composing?

A: It would require a lot of work and time and I preferably use the time to make more music. So no, not at the moment.

A lot of people have also asked me to teach them "how to make music". It has taken me 20 years of trying out, experimenting and failing by myself until I've reached this level. I don't have resources or time to be your teacher. No one can teach you to become productive or creative. Don't think that it's an easy road to become a composer. It will take years or tens of years, so forget about the money and fame, pick up an (virtual) instrument and start practicing.

Q: Can you give me some hints about composing with virtual instruments?

A: You'll need a lot of money to buy yourself a good set of libraries to work with. The libraries I own cost anywhere from $5 to $1000 a piece. Free instruments are usually useless. You can't substitute bad instruments for composing or mixing skills (and vice versa). I only have experience with FL studio DAW so I don't know about Pro Tools or Ableton or Cubase. But I have understood that FL studio is a very good software for composing and for people like me who don't use midi keyboards nor record any audio. For beginners, a good and cheap all-round library is probably EastWest Symphonic Orchestra Gold, and for more deep-sampled and quality instruments, Hollywood Orchestra.

Q: Do you have sheet music, midi files or tablatures?

A: My supporters at Patreon get monthly scores, including sheet music, tablatures and midi files. Also, Carmina Gloria Deluxe edition has Musescore project files for each song on the album.

Q: Are you educated in music?

A: No, I have learned everything by myself, and so can you!

Q: Do you play any instrument?

A: I used to try and play the guitar when I was younger but nowadays I'm doing everything on the computer.

Q: Are you going to do live concerts?

A: No. It would be incredibly costly to hire a full orchestra and solo instrumentalists to play my music. I'd need name recognition on par with Hans Zimmer to make it profitable. Much of my music isn't actually playable with real folk instruments anyway, only with virtual instruments.


Consider supporting me at Patreon if you want to get your burning questions answered in depth. Unfortunately I don't have time to do that for emails.


You can contact me by filling the following form. If your matter concerns licensing or commissioning, please check out the respective sections on this page for more information. You can also contact me directly to contact[at]anttimartikainen.com

1 week ago

Antti Martikainen
'Origins II' is out now on all platforms! Check the links here:linktr.ee/anttimartikainen - or just go to your favourite music platform and search for my name.Also, I turned 40 yesterday. Congrats to me! Here's a picture as a proof: ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Antti Martikainen
New album 'Origins II' with 20 remade songs releases on February 3rd. The last single is 'To Valhalla!'Stream on Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/5f2FxRp8VAcj1YPztUSpunJoin my epic viking music playlist on Spotify: open.spotify.com/playlist/0ZTSgGU2OO3QyDRQrFp9i5Antti Martikainen, Ian Fontova · To Valhalla! · Song · 2025 ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

Antti Martikainen
Deep Space Expedition (2025 Remake), includes remake and an extra ambient version: open.spotify.com/album/7k4HF9pkN7ovRyPbFey3DoJoin my epic Sci-fi playlist with similar music: open.spotify.com/playlist/009rdFacwOuiCHuMTpAfPPAntti Martikainen · Single · 2025 · 2 songs ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

Antti Martikainen
'Ruins of the Future World' remake single is out now on Spotify:open.spotify.com/album/2qcWowe6r1ZJ5RxJhhjUkCJoin my playlist with similar epic sci-fi music:open.spotify.com/playlist/009rdFacwOuiCHuMTpAfPPAnother improved and extended track from 2017's 'The Sound of Courage'. Solo violin performed by Nino Chikviladze.Antti Juhani Martikainen · Single · 2025 · 1 songs ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Antti Martikainen
Lightbearer - 2024 RemakeStream on Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/3DwfAc45NmwD6fbQbqzKcpCheck out similar music on my Epic Anime Metal playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/5TT77B5GDhHMPMVgoGd4TkThis is an cool combination of genres, originally appearing in 2016's 'Synthesia' album. There's quite a few changes in this remake. The Main melody part and chord harmony as well as the synth arpeggio has been changed. There's an additional guitar lead replacing the second main theme and the final choir part has been augmented with a new riff and accompanying synth. The riff and drum work are more detailed. Of course, the traditional Chinese instruments and vocals have been recorded live by a few talented performers. And there are a ton of small details and polishes that are too many to mention.Performances on this song:-Vocals, xiao and dizi by Alia Fay-Erhu by Amanda Toh-Zhonghu by Kanae Nozawa-Guitars by Francesco Mattei ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Antti Martikainen
Set Sail for the Golden Age - 2024 Remake - Epic Pirate MetalStream on Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/15gX1V6B7bEMDO6beO4WaRCheck out similar music on my Pirate Metal playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/5IxKeXXTxeQKIt8DjAhjQwThis is an epic symphonic folk metal track originally from 2016. The mixing was pretty bad on the 'Set Sail for the Golden Age' album so the improvements in this remake are pretty clear. Biggest change is the first folky verse part that's completely different in this version. The main melody has also seen some small changes. The guitar and drum work are more detailed, and of course the real instruments sound very different from the original fake ones.A lot of great performances on this sonFrancesco Matteirancesco Mattei-Recorder and Ian Fontova by Ian Fontova-Violin by Nino Chikviladze ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Antti Martikainen
Ride with the Dragons - 2024 RemakeStream on Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/20KfwLIiMSMT7HUiHuTNcoCheck out similar music on my Celtic Adventure playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/4LckkYpQiYz1VmAElVQVdMI actually had to rebuild and record this song completely from the ground up because I managed to lose the project files along with all the recordings. There was just an empty slot between song 7 and 9 folders in my Adventuria, Vol. 1 folder. Also backups are gone. Let me know if you find it somewhere around the internet!This remake has all the main melodies intact but it's a bit longer than the original because I decided to extend the epic middle brass part. The middle part with Uilleann pipes and Celtic whistles is also different. The cello solo at the quiet part is replaced by zhongu, a Chinese counterpart to cello, to give this song a bit more ethnic flavor. In addition, every instrument, chord, voicing and melody has some details and polish applied to them.A lot of great performances on this song:-Celtic whistles and Uilleann pipeIan Fontovantova-Vocals by Mailén Blanco Arriola-Violin by Nino Chikviladze-ZhonghKanae Nozawaozawa ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Antti Martikainen
Endless Frontier - 2024 RemakeStream on Spotify (includes ambient bonus track): open.spotify.com/album/7GyiFKQiZBbJyt1Gv5wS1ICheck out similarish music on my playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/009rdFacwOuiCHuMTpAfPPThis song originally from 'Enter Infinity' (2015) has a lot of genres and themes in it: Arabic/oriental vibe synth ambient that evolves into epic cinematic EDM and symphonic metal. I really liked making songs that surprise the listeners even at the end of a long track (make sure to listen it to the end before commenting that this isn't metal). A pretty complex song with a few very different parts in various genres so tagging it with a genre is pretty difficult. How would you categorize this song?The remake mostly follows the original but to make the middle part a bit exciting a decided to do a transposition so the end of the song is in different key. Also the middle parts have a bit of re-arranged chords and voicing, along with some new choir parts. The most significant change is naturally in the sound quality and mixing. GuitarFrancesco Matteirancesco Mattei! ... See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Antti Martikainen
Today's remake is 'Through Enemy Lines'Stream on Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/7nqb4DJYfbg9f65TIjzyXXCheck out more similar music on this playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/0FTxbk3zzS5Cu1N6dDbd3MThis song was originally from the bonus album 'Another Saga' consisting of alternative versions and unreleased tracks. It was also one of the first demos I released back in 2012 as myself and not under an artist name. So the song's origin is beyond ancient and it really shows in the composition and sound quality of the original track. The remake has the same structure but it's re-arranged and more detailed. The outro is a bit more somber and there's no longer a fadeout. I used to do a fadeout in most track back then because it was an easy and amateurish way to end a song, or rather just keep it going without endlessly. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Antti Martikainen
Today's remake single is 'Cannonstorm'!Stream on Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/1oMGPm1UcsMmxSOGd73AzECheck out my epic pirate battle playlist with similar music:open.spotify.com/playlist/3c9K729n2UuJFPFTdQx70dThis is a track from 2017's 'The Sound of Courage'. There are no major changes to the song's structure because it works pretty well as a short battle track. It's the shortest song on the upcoming remake album. There are added details, some slight re-arranging and a transposed last chorus. The instruments are a lot tighter. The biggest change is in the mixing. I really dislike the mixing on the old TSoC album so the change in the sound is pretty big. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Antti Martikainen
Synthesia - 2024 RemakeStream on Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/51FoFPGvYqCfqyCmIPPhHACheck out my epic anime metal playlist with similar music:open.spotify.com/playlist/5TT77B5GDhHMPMVgoGd4TkThis remake single is the title song from the 2016 album 'Synthesia'. It is closer to remaster than remake since not much needed to change in addition to real recorded instruments and some minor arrangements, and of course throughout mixing. Only the last loud part of the song is somewhat different to the original version. I though the mixing and instrumentation were surprisingly good on the original album. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Antti Martikainen
'Valor' is out now!Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/4HLq2ztZi7eBbVBgPLmeRtYoutube: youtu.be/kXcnjgsjH3gCheck out and like my 'epic battle score' playlist with other relevant songs: open.spotify.com/playlist/2XZtnqqmHWeTsak8qGa0SVAnother single release, this time it's an ancient song from over ten years ago. 'Valor' was first released on 'Eternal Saga' album in 2014. There are quite a bit of changes in this version in addition to the apparent rearranging, remixing and remastering of the original. The quiet parts and melodies have been extended so the song is longer than the original. Solo violin parts are played by Nino Chikviladze. The part before the last chorus is completely remade.The original songs on 'Eternal Saga', especially the louder ones tend to sound very powerful but also super muddy and boomy because I didn't know how to properly mixing back then. Also the originals have an apparent lack of harmony and color because I didn't understand much theory back then, I just did what sounded good to me. In the new version you can more clearly hear all the instruments, elements, colors and details. ... See MoreSee Less
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